2017/5/15 - 【新闻发布】Zhik 成为沃尔沃环球帆船赛东风队官方服饰合作伙伴
中国红,红遍全球 Innovative sailing apparel specialists Zhik partner with Dongfeng Race Team.Clothing partner to Dongfeng Race Team in the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18. 极具革命性航海装备品牌(ZHIK)赛壳今天宣布:赛壳成为东风队官方服饰合作伙伴。随东风队一起征战沃尔沃环球帆船赛2017-18赛季。 Finishing 3rd in the 2014-15 edition of the race, Dongfeng Race Team has a clear objective to sail to the best of the team’s ability and compete at the highest level. 在上届的沃尔沃环球帆船赛(2014—15),东风队目标明确,表现出色,体现出了一支具有高水平能力的赛队,他们最终获得第三名。 The next edition of the race will see the team take on three times as many Southern Ocean miles as in the previous edition and encounter the most extreme weather conditions known to mankind. 本赛季中南大洋航线的长度是往届比赛的三倍,(赛事总航程约45000海里,是历史上最长的一次。)这使得我们的选手将面临人类已知的最艰苦恶劣的天气。 The Zhik Isotak range is up to four times more waterproof-durable than the ocean standard range of apparel and will keep the team warm and dry in the harshest conditions. 赛壳Isotak系列,高于传统航海服四倍以上的防水耐用功能,且在最极端天气的条件下让团队身体保持温暖和干燥。 “The Volvo Race is hugely demanding from a human point of view, and the welfare of my crew is paramount. Having the right technical clothing is as race-critical as having the right food,” explains Charles Caudrelier, who is back for his second campaign as skipper of Dongfeng Race Team. “在沃尔沃环球帆船赛中,船员要时刻面临各种极端环境,因此选择好的高科技航海服饰就如同选择好食物一样重要!” 再次担任东风队船长的夏尔-戈德赫里埃这样解释。 He continues: “As an elite sailing team, we are always looking to get the extra edge on our competitors. We share the same goal with Zhik to optimise everything we do. Detail is key in this race and if we succeed in being innovative together, it could make us even more competitive on the water. Zhik can help us to perform at our peak day and night, week after week.” 他继续说道:“各方面的附加优势可以帮助我们在比赛中脱颖而出。我们和Zhik有共同的目标,所有事都做到尽善尽美。而细节对于航海来说至关重要,如果我们能一起创新成功,那么船队在比赛中就会更具竞争力。Zhik可以帮助我们每天以最佳状态投入比赛,无论在烈日灼心的昼日,还是月黑风高的夜晚,周而复始。” Crew members such as Australian-British sailor and bowman on board Dongfeng, Jack Bouttell, will rely on Zhik’s unique design technology and innovative fabric to help them operate and perform at the highest level. 东风队澳大利亚-英国双重国籍的船员、前甲板手杰克-博泰尔作为船员代表正与Zhik的设计师紧密配合,协助他们研发并生产出赛队在比赛中真正需要的航海服,从而体现出赛队的最高水平。 Bouttell has been the lead crew in working with Zhik’s designers to help them produce offshore gear that does the job he and his fellow Dongfeng Race Team sailors need. “It has been a fascinating process to test out new foul weather gear and give them feedback from the front of the boat,” commented Bouttell. 杰克-博泰尔一直带领船员在与赛壳合作的设计师来帮助他们研发近岸装备,这是他和他的同事东风队都需要的。“我从船上的前甲板测试最新航海服的防水性能等,并立即给设计团队反馈,这是一个令人兴奋的过程!”杰克-博泰尔说道。 As in the previous race, Dongfeng Race Team is committed to promoting and developing the sport of offshore sailing in China and will have three Chinese sailors in the team, alongside new additions such as Carolijn Brouwer (NED) and Marie Riou (FRA). 东风队延续了上届参赛的使命,致力于推动远洋帆船运动在中国的发展,已宣布有三名中国船员刘学、杨济儒、陈锦浩正式入队,并且积极响应新赛季鼓励女性水手加入的号召,邀请知名奥运女选手卡洛琳-布劳尔(荷兰)和玛丽-里乌(法国)加盟。 Zhik CEO, David Crow commented: “The team at Zhik is thrilled to announce the partnership with Dongfeng Race Team which is doing so much to develop sailing in China, as well as embracing new rules to encourage female sailors to take part in the world’s premier crewed offshore race. Our world class, high-tech yachting gear is designed to push the boundaries of waterproof and breathable protection, enabling our race partners to consistently perform at their best in their quest to win.” 赛壳首席执行官David Crow说:“赛壳迫不及待的宣布与东风队的合作。东风队在为中国帆船的发展做出了如此巨大的贡献,以及鼓励采用新规则来让更多女性船员参加世界首屈一指的离岸赛。我们世界一流的高科技装备是旨在提供防水透气的保护,使我们的合作伙伴他们在追求胜利中发挥最佳表现。” Bart Milczarczyk, Zhik’s global head of design added: “The collaboration with Dongfeng Race Team is a very exciting partnership. Zhik is driven by winning and performance, and we strive to produce the best and most ground-breaking apparel and footwear. The harsh demands that the team will have to endure and the sailors’ feedback is invaluable. It enables us at Zhik to continually innovate and redefine the future of sailing apparel for professional and leisure sailors across the world.” Bart Milczarczyk,赛壳的全球设计总监补充说道:“成为东风队的合作伙伴是一个非常令人兴奋消息。胜利和性能驱动着赛壳的发展,我们努力研发出最好、最具创新性的装备和鞋类。严苛的需求、船员的反馈对我们来说是无价的。这使赛壳为世界各地的专业或休闲的水手,提供不断创新并重新定义专业帆船运动装备。 关于赛壳: 赛壳作为享誉全球的澳洲品牌,从布料的研发、款式的设计和生产质控都一手包办,产品自成一家,坚持自主研发创新,推出多种突破革命性面料,颠覆了水上运动装备在人们心中的概念,始终走在同行的最前列。 赛壳的小艇服和湿服成立于2003年,这个拥有高性能创新设计的装备已被世界各地的水手们迅速采用。 经测试证实,赛壳的装备是众多奥运和世界冠军的首要选择。赛壳是新西兰队、新加坡和澳大利亚奥运队伍的官方供应商。除此之外,赛壳还为国际极限帆船系列赛、美洲杯和旺代帆船赛顶级水手提供装备。 Zhik最近被宣布为沃尔沃环球帆船赛队(Azkonobel) 2017-18赛季的技术服饰合作伙伴。 深圳市升洋帆船设备有限公司为Zhik大中华区总代理。 关于升洋: 深圳市升洋帆船设备有限公司是中国领先帆船解决方案供应商。为中国帆船制造厂提供专业的帆船整体解决方案,为中国帆友提供高品质的世界级别航海装备。升洋在中国主要沿海城市设有授权零售经销商。